What I Use

Inspired by Wes bos


  • My editor of choice is Visual Studio Code with a giant pile of extensions But some times I use Neovim with Lazygit, Lazydocker, and other plugins

  • I am currently using Catppuccin Dark as my theme

  • Fira Code is my font of choice mainly because of the ligatures


  • I use Hyper when I'm on Ubuntu and Mac
  • Windows Terminal when I'm on Windows. It's running WSL2 with oh-my-zsh stock

  • All terminals use Fira Code as fonts because ligatures all the way

Desktop Apps

  • Orion is my main browser for browsing & development
  • Postman for API development and testing
  • Figma mainly for inspecting designs
  • Slack and Discord for messaging or calls
  • clickUp and Notion for issue tracking and notes

  • Spotify for music